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Project Directory Setup

Here we make a small node/npm project to run the query generator and the auxiliary database metadata generator. We would typically place this within a larger project for which queries are to be generated. In this case our project will be standalone.

Make the query generator project directory.

mkdir query-gen
cd query-gen

We first create a package.json file to define our run scripts and dependencies:

cat > package.json <<EOF
  "scripts": {
    "gen-dbmd": "gen-dbmd --connProps ./db/conn.props --db pg --outputDir .",
    "pregen-queries": "tsc -b .",
    "gen-queries": "node gen-queries.js --dbmd dbmd.json --sqlDir sql --tsDir ts"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@types/node": "^18.15.10",
    "typescript": "^5.0.2"
  "dependencies": {
    "sqljson-query": "1.9.3"

Note: In the gen-queries run script for a real project, we would probably generate SQL and TypeScript files in locations outside the query generator directory itself, for example with something like: --sqlDir ../src/generated/sql --tsDir ../src/generated/ts/result-types.

Next create a minimal tsconfig.json:

cat > tsconfig.json <<EOF
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES2018",
    "lib": ["ES2018"],
    "module": "commonjs",
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "typeRoots" : ["./node_modules/@types"],
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "strictNullChecks": true

Finally, create the file that will contain our query specifications. We’ll be editing this file in the remainder of the tutorial:

cat > gen-queries.ts <<EOF
import { QueryGroupSpec, QuerySpec, RecordCondition, generateQueriesWithArgvOptions } from 'sqljson-query';

export const queryGroupSpec: QueryGroupSpec = {
  defaultSchema: 'drugs',
  generateUnqualifiedNamesForSchemas: [ 'drugs' ],
  propertyNameDefault: 'CAMELCASE',
  querySpecs: [
    // TODO

// Run the query generator with options specified in arguments to this script.

generateQueriesWithArgvOptions(queryGroupSpec, process.argv)
  .then(() => { console.log("Query generation completed."); })
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error("Query generation failed due to error - see error detail above.");

Now we can install the project dependencies and compile the query generation script:

npm i && npx tsc

We’re not ready to generate queries though, because we haven’t created our example database yet.

Database Setup

Follow the directions in database setup, to set up a local Postgres or MySQL database for use in this tutorial. After you’ve completed the database setup, the database should be listening for connections as reflected in the connection information properties provided in file db/conn.props.

Generate Database Metadata

Now that the database is created and SQL/JSON-Query is installed, we can generate our database metadata via the following command:

For Postgres:

npm run gen-dbmd

For MySQL, substitute --db mysql in place of --db pg in the run script.

Two metadata files should have been generated in the same directory, dbmd.json and relations-metadata.ts.

Query Generation

Now with the database created and its metadata generated, we’re ready to write our query specifications and to generate the SQL and result types sources. We’ll start with a simple query of a single table.

Single-Table Query

We’ll define our queries in file gen-queries.ts. Our folder contains a self-contained TypeScript project, so you should be able to get proper TypeScript language support from your editor or IDE as you edit or view this file. Edit the file gen-queries.ts now to contain the following contents (which may be present already as an example):

// query-gen/gen-queries.ts
import { QueryGroupSpec, QuerySpec, RecordCondition, generateQueriesWithArgvOptions } from 'sqljson-query';

// (Added) -->
const drugsQuery1: QuerySpec = {
  queryName: 'drugs query 1',
  tableJson: {
    table: 'drug',
    recordCondition: { sql: 'category_code = :catCode', paramNames: ['catCode'] },
    fieldExpressions: [
      { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'drugName' },
      'category_code', // short for: { field: 'category_code', jsonProperty: 'categoryCode' }
      { expression: '$$.cid + 1000',
        jsonProperty: 'cidPlus1000',
        fieldTypeInGeneratedSource: {TS: 'number | null', Java: '@Nullable Long'} },
// <-- (Added)

export const queryGroupSpec: QueryGroupSpec = {
  defaultSchema: 'drugs',
  generateUnqualifiedNamesForSchemas: [ 'drugs' ],
  propertyNameDefault: 'CAMELCASE',
  querySpecs: [
    // (Added) -->
    // <-- (Added)

// Run the query generator with options specified in arguments to this script.

generateQueriesWithArgvOptions(queryGroupSpec, process.argv)
  .then(() => { console.log("Query generation completed."); })
  .catch((e) => {
    console.error("Query generation failed due to error - see error detail above.");

Here the first definition, drugsQuery1 is our first query and is of type QuerySpec. The lower definition, queryGroupSpec, represents the total set of queries to be generated, and sets a few options applying to all queries that it contains, such as the default schema name to be assumed for unqualified table names. We’ll ignore the function call at the bottom, which actually runs the query generation process with our query definitions when the script is executed.

drug table schema diagram

In drugsQuery1 we’ve defined a simple query based on a single table, drug. The query is given a name via queryName which is used to determine the names of the generated SQL files and TypeScript/Java source files. The rest of the query specification lies in the tableJson property, which describes how to form JSON output for a given “top” table, and whatever related tables it may want to pull data from, into its own output.

Let’s briefly go over the properties of the tableJson object, since it’s the centerpiece of our query.

tableJson: {
  table: 'drug',
  recordCondition: { sql: 'category_code = :catCode', paramNames: ['catCode'] },
  fieldExpressions: [
    { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'drugName' },
    'category_code', // short for: { field: 'category_code', jsonProperty: 'categoryCode' }
    { expression: '$$.cid + 1000',
      jsonProperty: 'cidPlus1000',
      fieldTypeInGeneratedSource: {TS: 'number | null', Java: '@Nullable Long'} },

The tableJson object must conform to the TableJsonSpec interface, which is described in more detail in the TableJsonSpec documentation. This structure is one of the most important structures to understand, because it is also the base interface for describing contributions from related parent and child tables to the JSON output.

So that describes our first query on the drug table. Now we can generate the SQL and TypeScript sources from our query specification as follows:

tsc && node gen-queries.js --dbmd dbmd.json --sqlDir sql --tsDir ts

A shorter form of the above is provided by a preconfigured npm script in package.json, which can be executed via

npm run gen-queries

, and we’ll use this shorter version from here on.

You should now have two new directories, sql holding generated SQL queries, and ts holding the corresponding result types that were generated for the queries at the same time.

If you open the generated SQL file at sql/drugs-query-1.sql, you should see something like:

    'categoryCode', d.category_code,
    'cidPlus1000', d.cid + 1000
  ) json
  drug d
where (
  (category_code = :catCode)

The SQL shown here is for a Postgres example database, for a MySQL database it will differ slightly. The generated SQL is database-specific generally, with the database type having been determined automatically from the database metadata that was generated above at dbmd.json.

Now open your preferred SQL execution tool for your database, and try executing the above SQL with ‘A’ for the catCode parameter (in psql, you can use \set catCode '''A''' before executing the sql). You should see output like the following:

(row 1) {"drugName": "Test Drug 2", "cidPlus1000": 1198, "categoryCode": "A"}
(row 2) {"drugName": "Test Drug 4", "cidPlus1000": 1396, "categoryCode": "A"}

(If the use of a parameter in the query makes for a nuisance in your SQL execution tool, feel free to replace it with literal ‘A’ in this and following queries - the flow of the tutorial will not be affected).

Also take a look at the TypeScript module that was generated at ts/drugs-query-1.ts with contents similar to:

// The types defined in this file correspond to results of the following generated SQL queries.
export const sqlResource = "drugs-query-1.sql";

// query parameters
export const catCodeParam = 'catCode';

// Below are types representing the result data for the generated query, with top-level type first.
export interface Drug
  drugName: string;
  categoryCode: string;
  cidPlus1000: number | null;

This TypeScript module defines an interface Drug which matches the form of the the result object in each row of the query results. It also defines a constant for the parameter name as a convenience and safety feature, and lets you know the corresponding SQL file that was generated from the same query specification as well.

Adding Parent Tables

drug compound relationship schema diagram

The single-table query above lacks information about the compound found in each drug (we’re assuming a drug can only have one such compound in this example schema). So let’s make a new query adding this information from the compound table. The compound table is a parent table of our top table drug.

Similarly, we’ll also add information about the registering analyst for each drug, from the analyst parent table of drug.

We add references to parent tables via the optional property parentTables within our tableJson object. Each entry in parentTables is itself a structure like that in tableJson — in other words it is a TableJsonSpec. It also supports a few additional properties to control the join mechanism between parent and child (which usually don’t need to be specified). See the Parent Table Specification documentation for full details.

Now let’s proceed to make a variant of our previous query assigned to drugsQuery2, having a new parent tables section as follows:

const drugsQuery2: QuerySpec = {
   queryName: 'drugs query 2',
   tableJson: {
      table: 'drug',
      recordCondition: { sql: 'category_code = :catCode', paramNames: ['catCode'] },
      fieldExpressions: [
         { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'drugName' },
      // (Added) -->
      parentTables: [
            referenceName: 'primaryCompound',
            table: 'compound',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'id', jsonProperty: 'compoundId' },
               { field: 'display_name', jsonProperty: 'compoundDisplayName' },
            // No "referenceName" property specified here => "inline" the properties from this parent.
            table: 'analyst',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'registeredByAnalyst' },
     // <-- (Added)

Here we’ve added the parentTables array property with entries for the compound and analyst tables. The contents of the parent entries should be familiar because they’re mostly the same as would appear in the top-level tableJson. We have a table property specifying the parent table name, and fieldExpressions controlling which fields to include in its JSON output.

The only new property here is referenceName, which gives a name for the property within the child drug object that references the parent compound object. The referenceName property is optional. If it were omitted for compound, then the fields from compound would be included as properties inlined among the fields/expressions coming directly from the child table drug - i.e. without a wrapping object property. In fact this is the case for the registering analyst information here: because the analyst entry does not specify a referenceName, its fields are inlined among those of the drug table itself.

Don’t forget to add drugsQuery2 to the query group representing the queries to be generated:

export const queryGroupSpec: QueryGroupSpec = {
   // ...
   querySpecs: [
      drugsQuery2, // <-- (added)

Now let’s again generate the SQL and TypeScript sources with the same command as before:

npm run gen-queries

You can examine the generated SQL for our new query at sql/drugs-query-2.sql. Basically it has added a new subquery projecting a json_build_object() expression from within the SELECT clause of what was our original drugs query, as well as a new FROM clause subquery for the inlined analyst field. You will also find the additional Compound results structure defined in the corresponding result types definition module at ts/drugs-query-2.ts:

export interface Compound
  compoundId: number;
  compoundDisplayName: string | null;

If we run the query (with ‘A’ for parameter catCode), we’ll see result row values like the following:

  "drugName": "Test Drug 2",
  "categoryCode": "A",
  "primaryCompound": {
    "compoundId": 2,
    "compoundDisplayName": "Test Compound 2"
  "registeredByAnalyst": "sch"

We see our compound information has been added in property primaryCompound as expected, and the registering analyst is represented in the string valued property registeredByAnalyst. Notice that the registering analyst information does not have a wrapping object (it is “inlined”), because referenceName was omitted in its parent table entry.

Adding Parent Tables with Explicit Foreign Keys

drug table schema diagram

We’ve got basic information from the compound table in our results now, but compound itself references interesting information in its own parent table, analyst, which we’d also like to include in our results. As mentioned earlier, a parent (or child) entry such as our parentCompound entry in parentTables can have its own parent or child table entries, so we can just nest a parentTables property there to pull in information from analyst.

The only wrinkle in this plan is that there are two ways that table compound references table analyst, via two different foreign keys: one for the data-entering analyst, and another for the approving analyst. So we just have to be specific about the foreign key to use when pulling in analyst information. We’ll assume that we want information for both analysts wherever available (though including just one or the other would be fine as well, but would need the same disambiguation to be provided).

Add a new query based on the previous one, adding a nested parentTables property within the primaryCompound entry:

const drugsQuery3: QuerySpec = {
   queryName: 'drugs query 3',
   tableJson: {
      table: 'drug',
      recordCondition: { sql: 'category_code = :catCode', paramNames: ['catCode'] },
      fieldExpressions: [
         { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'drugName' },
      parentTables: [
            referenceName: 'primaryCompound',
            table: 'compound',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'id', jsonProperty: 'compoundId' },
               { field: 'display_name', jsonProperty: 'compoundDisplayName' },
            // (Added) -->
            parentTables: [
                  table: 'analyst',
                  fieldExpressions: [
                     { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'enteredByAnalyst' }
                  viaForeignKeyFields: ['entered_by'] // <- select one of two foreign keys to analyst
                  table: 'analyst',
                  fieldExpressions: [
                     { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'approvedByAnalyst' }
                  viaForeignKeyFields: ['approved_by'] // <- select one of two foreign keys to analyst
            // <-- (Added)
            table: 'analyst',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'registeredByAnalyst' },

Now we’ve added two analyst name properties within the primaryCompound entries, while guiding the query generator to use the appropriate foreign key for each by specifying the foreign key fields in viaForeignKeyFields in each instance. Specifying the foreign key fields like this is always necessary whenever more than one foreign key constraint exists between the two tables in the direction in context.

Also note that we did not specify a referenceName for either of the analyst parent table entries, which means that the field expressions enteredByAnalyst and approvedByAnalyst will be included inline among the fields from compound itself.

Add the new query to the exported queryGroupSpec as always, and regenerate the query SQL and sources as before:

npm run gen-queries

In the result type declaration module ts/drugs-query-3.ts, we see that our two analyst fields have been added to the Compound result interface:

export interface Compound
  compoundId: number;
  compoundDisplayName: string | null;
  enteredByAnalyst: string;
  approvedByAnalyst: string | null;

Note that nullability has been correctly inferred for the fields, based both on the field nullability in the parent table (short_name being non-nullable in this case), but also on the nullability of the referencing foreign key (only non-nullable for the entering analyst).

Our SQL at sql/drugs-query-3.sql has gotten more complex as expected. Running this query with ‘A’ for catCode, we see output like the following in each result row, which contains our two analysts with each compound:

  "drugName": "Test Drug 2",
  "categoryCode": "A",
  "primaryCompound": {
    "compoundId": 2,
    "enteredByAnalyst": "jdoe",
    "approvedByAnalyst": "sch",
    "compoundDisplayName": "Test Compound 2"
  "registeredByAnalyst": "sch"

That covers the main points for obtaining data from parent tables. For more information see the Parent Table Specification documentation.

Adding a Child Collection

drug and advisory tables schema diagram

Next we’ll add a collection of related advisories for the drugs. The advisory table is a child table of table drug as seen in the diagram. Child table collection properties are described in a tableJson (any TableJsonSpec instance in fact) via the optional property childTables. Each entry in childTables can specify any of the properties allowed in tableJson as described above, to control the translation of the child table’s content to JSON — in other words a childTables entry is a TableJsonSpec. It also allows a few additional properties: a collectionName property to name the collection member, and a few optional properties related to customizing or disambiguating the join between parent and child, which are needed only infrequently. See the Child Table Specification documentation for full details.

To add the drug advisories data, add a new query based on the previous one which adds a new childTables section within tableJson as follows:

const drugsQuery4: QuerySpec = {
   queryName: 'drugs query 4',
   tableJson: {
      table: 'drug',
      recordCondition: { sql: 'category_code = :catCode', paramNames: ['catCode'] },
      fieldExpressions: [
         { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'drugName' },
      parentTables: [
            referenceName: 'primaryCompound',
            table: 'compound',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'id', jsonProperty: 'compoundId' },
               { field: 'display_name', jsonProperty: 'compoundDisplayName' },
            parentTables: [
                  table: 'analyst',
                  fieldExpressions: [
                     { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'enteredByAnalyst' }
                  viaForeignKeyFields: ['entered_by']
                  table: 'analyst',
                  fieldExpressions: [
                     { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'approvedByAnalyst' }
                  viaForeignKeyFields: ['approved_by']
            table: 'analyst',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'registeredByAnalyst' },
      // (Added) -->
      childTables: [
            collectionName: 'advisories',
            table: 'advisory',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'text', jsonProperty: 'advisoryText' },
      // <-- (Added)

Add drugsQuery4 to queryGroupSpec and run the sources generator with our usual command:

npm run gen-queries

If you examine the generated result types module for the query at ts/drugs-query-4.ts, you should see a new advisories property of type Advisory[] within the Drug type, as well as a definition for the Advisory type itself.

Try running the SQL at sql/drugs-query-4.sql with ‘A’ for catCode, and verify that the query produces an array of drug advisories. The json value in each row should look like:

  "drugName": "Test Drug 2",
  "advisories": [
      "advisoryText": "Advisory concerning drug 2",
      "advisoryTypeId": 1
      "advisoryText": "Caution concerning drug 2",
      "advisoryTypeId": 2
      "advisoryText": "Heard this might be bad -anon2",
      "advisoryTypeId": 3
  "categoryCode": "A",
  "primaryCompound": {
    "compoundId": 2,
    "enteredByAnalyst": "jdoe",
    "approvedByAnalyst": "sch",
    "compoundDisplayName": "Test Compound 2"
  "registeredByAnalyst": "sch"

Pulling Fields through Multiple Parents

drug and advisory tables schema diagram

With our advisories added above, it would be helpful if we included details from advisory_type with each advisory, and better still if we also had data from advisory_type’s own parent table authority. Since the entries of childTables and parentTables conform to the TableJsonSpec interface, they support arbitrary nesting of parent and child tables, and we can achieve our desired result by nesting.

Our strategy is first to add advisory_type as a parent table within the advisory entry. Then we will add authority as a parent table within the advisory_type entry.

We will also include each added parent as “inlined”, by not giving a reference property name, so the parent’s fields will be inlined among the fields of its child table without wrapping the parent data in an unnecessary object wrapper.

Make a variant of the previous query assigned to drugsQuery5, adding information from advisory_type and authority within each advisory as follows:

const drugsQuery5: QuerySpec = {
   queryName: 'drugs query 5',
   tableJson: {
      table: 'drug',
      recordCondition: { sql: 'category_code = :catCode', paramNames: ['catCode'] },
      fieldExpressions: [
         { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'drugName' },
      parentTables: [
            referenceName: 'primaryCompound',
            table: 'compound',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'id', jsonProperty: 'compoundId' },
               { field: 'display_name', jsonProperty: 'compoundDisplayName' },
            parentTables: [
                  table: 'analyst',
                  fieldExpressions: [
                     { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'enteredByAnalyst' }
                  viaForeignKeyFields: ['entered_by']
                  table: 'analyst',
                  fieldExpressions: [
                     { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'approvedByAnalyst' }
                  viaForeignKeyFields: ['approved_by']
            table: 'analyst',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'registeredByAnalyst' },
      childTables: [
            collectionName: 'advisories',
            table: 'advisory',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'text', jsonProperty: 'advisoryText' },
            // (Added) -->
            parentTables: [
                  table: 'advisory_type',
                  fieldExpressions: [ { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'advisoryTypeName' } ],
                  parentTables: [
                        table: 'authority',
                        fieldExpressions: [ { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'advisoryTypeAuthorityName' } ]
            // <-- (Added)

Add the new drugsQuery5 query to the exported queryGroupSpec, and regenerate the query SQL and sources again:

npm run gen-queries

In the generated result types module for the query at ts/drugs-query-5.ts, we should see new fields for the advisory type name and authority name. These were pulled from the advisory table’s parent, and from the parent of its parent, respectively. By using this technique we can pull fields through any number of parent associations.

export interface Advisory
  advisoryTypeId: number;
  advisoryText: string;
  advisoryTypeName: string;
  advisoryTypeAuthorityName: string;

Running the SQL at sql/drugs-query-5.sql, we should see advisory the additional information in each advisory entry.

Including Data from Many-Many Relationships

We’ve discussed above the handling of relationships with parent tables (many to one), and with child tables (one to many), but nothing yet about how to include data through many-to-many relationships.

drug table schema diagram

It turns out we don’t need any new constructs to handle this case. We can include data from the far side of a many-many relationship by first including the intersection table as a direct child table of our starting table, and then including the far side table as an inlined parent within that intersection table entry.

As an example let’s add data from the reference table (representing bibliographic references) to our drugs data. We will include within each drug a collection of the drug’s references, also including the priority of each reference particular to the drug from the intermediate table. We’ll also sort the references collections by priority.

Define a new query drugsQuery6, as follows:

const drugsQuery6: QuerySpec = {
   queryName: 'drugs query 6',
   tableJson: {
      table: 'drug',
      recordCondition: { sql: 'category_code = :catCode', paramNames: ['catCode'] },
      fieldExpressions: [
         { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'drugName' },
      parentTables: [
            referenceName: 'primaryCompound',
            table: 'compound',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'id', jsonProperty: 'compoundId' },
               { field: 'display_name', jsonProperty: 'compoundDisplayName' },
            parentTables: [
                  table: 'analyst',
                  fieldExpressions: [
                     { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'enteredByAnalyst' }
                  viaForeignKeyFields: ['entered_by'] // <- select on of two foreign keys to analyst
                  table: 'analyst',
                  fieldExpressions: [
                     { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'approvedByAnalyst' }
                  viaForeignKeyFields: ['approved_by'] // <- select one of two foreign keys to analyst
            table: 'analyst',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'registeredByAnalyst' },
      childTables: [
            collectionName: 'advisories',
            table: 'advisory',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'text', jsonProperty: 'advisoryText' },
            parentTables: [
                  table: 'advisory_type',
                  fieldExpressions: [ { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'advisoryTypeName' } ],
                  parentTables: [
                        table: 'authority',
                        fieldExpressions: [ { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'advisoryTypeAuthorityName' } ]
         // (Added) -->
            collectionName: 'prioritizedReferences',
            table: 'drug_reference',
            fieldExpressions: [ 'priority' ],
            parentTables: [
                  table: "reference",
                  fieldExpressions: [ 'publication' ]
            // orderBy: 'priority asc' // Omit orderBy if using MySQL database - OK for pg,hsql,ora.
         // <-- (Added)

NOTE: If you aren’t using a MySQL example database, you can uncomment the orderBy property at bottom of the query definition to enable ordering within the child collection. Ordering in child collections is currently not supported for the MySQL database target.

We already had a childTables property in our drug specification from previous queries (for advisories), so we’ve just added another entry for our intersection table drug_reference in the same array. We project the priority column of the intersection table into the results via its fieldExpressions, though it is not required to project anything from the intersection table in general. Then within that same drug_reference entry, we add reference as a parent table, without specifying a referenceName property. That way its projected fields (just publication here) are included inline within the drug_reference object data, ie. as a sibling to any properties that might be included from the intersection table.

Note that we’re pulling data from independent child tables in a single query, which is a source of difficulty for purely join-based approaches (those that don’t employ aggregation functions), which would generally have to perform multiple queries to get the same data.

Add the drugsQuery6 query to the exported queryGroupSpec, and regenerate the query SQL and sources as before:

npm run gen-queries

Validating Database Object Names in Free-Form Expressions

As mentioned previously, field and table references in queries are verified against database metadata when queries are generated. However, there are exceptions where custom expressions are used in a query specification, such as in a recordCondition property or in an expression property of a field expression. In our previous queries, we just used literals to refer to field names in these cases. That method works, but this has the disadvantage that such references are not checked for validity at query generation time, and may cause runtime errors in case of typos or database changes.

There is however an easy way to reference table and field names from database metadata for use in the “free form” parts of any query specification. As an example, let’s make the recordCondition in our previous query reference the category_code field in the database metadata, for safety.

First we need to add an import near the top of our gen-queries.ts file:

import {Schema_drugs as drugs, verifiedFieldNames} from './relations-metadata';

This imports metadata about tables and fields in a form where table and field names are literal object keys, to make them amenable to the TypeScript compiler’s type analysis. It also includes a function to conveniently verify field names against this metadata. Let’s use it in a new variant of our previous query, which will be our final query.

Final Query

const {category_code} = verifiedFieldNames(drugs.drug); // category_code === 'category_code'

const drugsQuery7: QuerySpec = {
   queryName: 'drugs query 7',
   tableJson: {
      table: 'drug',
      // (Modified) -->
      recordCondition: { sql: `${category_code} = :catCode`, paramNames: ['catCode'] },
      // <-- (Modified)
      fieldExpressions: [
         { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'drugName' },
      parentTables: [
            referenceName: 'primaryCompound',
            table: 'compound',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'id', jsonProperty: 'compoundId' },
               { field: 'display_name', jsonProperty: 'compoundDisplayName' },
            parentTables: [
                  table: 'analyst',
                  fieldExpressions: [
                     { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'enteredByAnalyst' }
                  viaForeignKeyFields: ['entered_by'] // <- select on of two foreign keys to analyst
                  table: 'analyst',
                  fieldExpressions: [
                     { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'approvedByAnalyst' }
                  viaForeignKeyFields: ['approved_by'] // <- select one of two foreign keys to analyst
            table: 'analyst',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'short_name', jsonProperty: 'registeredByAnalyst' },
      childTables: [
            collectionName: 'advisories',
            table: 'advisory',
            fieldExpressions: [
               { field: 'text', jsonProperty: 'advisoryText' },
            parentTables: [
                  table: 'advisory_type',
                  fieldExpressions: [ { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'advisoryTypeName' } ],
                  parentTables: [
                        table: 'authority',
                        fieldExpressions: [ { field: 'name', jsonProperty: 'advisoryTypeAuthorityName' } ]
            collectionName: 'prioritizedReferences',
            table: 'drug_reference',
            fieldExpressions: [ 'priority' ],
            parentTables: [
                  table: "reference",
                  fieldExpressions: [ 'publication' ]
            // orderBy: 'priority asc' // Omit orderBy if using MySQL database - OK for pg,hsql,ora.

Now the existence of the category_code field in the record condition is checked at time of query generation. If the field ceases to exist with that name in the drug table, and database metadata is regenerated to reflect the database change, then the query build process would fail, as we would want it to, due to the invalid field reference. A similar function, verifiedTableName can be imported as well to check a table name against database metadata in a similar way.

That completes our final query specification. Add it to the query group spec and generate sources:

npm run gen-queries

Final Query Review

Let’s review what’s been accomplished with the final query specification above.

The query includes data from each of the following related tables using all the foreign keys shown:

all tables

From the query specification above, a SQL query is generated at sql/drugs-query-7.sql, which includes data from all of the above tables:

-- JSON_OBJECT_ROWS results representation for drugs query 7
    'categoryCode', d.category_code,
    'registeredByAnalyst', a."registeredByAnalyst",
    'primaryCompound', (
          'compoundDisplayName', c.display_name,
          'enteredByAnalyst', a."enteredByAnalyst",
          'approvedByAnalyst', a1."approvedByAnalyst"
        ) json
        compound c
        -- parent table 'analyst', joined for inlined fields
        left join (
   as "_id",
            a.short_name "enteredByAnalyst"
            analyst a
        ) a on c.entered_by = a."_id"
        -- parent table 'analyst', joined for inlined fields
        left join (
   as "_id",
            a.short_name "approvedByAnalyst"
            analyst a
        ) a1 on c.approved_by = a1."_id"
      where (
        d.compound_id =
    'advisories', (
          'advisoryTypeId', a.advisory_type_id,
          'advisoryText', a.text,
          'advisoryTypeName', at_."advisoryTypeName",
          'advisoryTypeAuthorityName', at_."advisoryTypeAuthorityName"
        )),'[]'::jsonb) json
        advisory a
        -- parent table 'advisory_type', joined for inlined fields
        left join (
   as "_id",
            -- field(s) inlined from parent table 'authority'
            advisory_type at_
            -- parent table 'authority', joined for inlined fields
            left join (
       as "_id",
                authority a
            ) a on at_.authority_id = a."_id"
        ) at_ on a.advisory_type_id = at_."_id"
      where (
        a.drug_id =
    'prioritizedReferences', (
          'priority', dr.priority,
          'publication', r.publication
        ) order by priority asc),'[]'::jsonb) json
        drug_reference dr
        -- parent table 'reference', joined for inlined fields
        left join (
   as "_id",
            r.publication as publication
            reference r
        ) r on dr.reference_id = r."_id"
      where (
        dr.drug_id =
  ) json
  drug d
  -- parent table 'analyst', joined for inlined fields
  left join (
    select as "_id",
      a.short_name "registeredByAnalyst"
      analyst a
  ) a on d.registered_by = a."_id"
where (
  (category_code = :catCode)

Also generated is a TypeScript result types module ts/drugs-query-7.ts, to represent the types in the query result set:

// The types defined in this file correspond to results of the following generated SQL queries.
export const sqlResource = "drugs-query-7.sql";

// query parameters
export const catCodeParam = 'catCode';

// Below are types representing the result data for the generated query, with top-level type first.
export interface Drug
  drugName: string;
  categoryCode: string;
  registeredByAnalyst: string;
  primaryCompound: Compound;
  advisories: Advisory[];
  prioritizedReferences: DrugReference[];

export interface Compound
  compoundId: number;
  compoundDisplayName: string | null;
  enteredByAnalyst: string;
  approvedByAnalyst: string | null;

export interface Advisory
  advisoryTypeId: number;
  advisoryText: string;
  advisoryTypeName: string;
  advisoryTypeAuthorityName: string;

export interface DrugReference
  priority: number | null;
  publication: string;

When run, the SQL query results in values like the following from one of the result rows:

  "drugName": "Test Drug 2",
  "advisories": [
      "advisoryText": "Advisory concerning drug 2",
      "advisoryTypeId": 1,
      "advisoryTypeName": "Boxed Warning",
      "advisoryTypeAuthorityName": "FDA"
      "advisoryText": "Caution concerning drug 2",
      "advisoryTypeId": 2,
      "advisoryTypeName": "Caution",
      "advisoryTypeAuthorityName": "FDA"
      "advisoryText": "Heard this might be bad -anon2",
      "advisoryTypeId": 3,
      "advisoryTypeName": "Rumor",
      "advisoryTypeAuthorityName": "Anonymous"
  "categoryCode": "A",
  "primaryCompound": {
    "compoundId": 2,
    "enteredByAnalyst": "jdoe",
    "approvedByAnalyst": "sch",
    "compoundDisplayName": "Test Compound 2"
  "registeredByAnalyst": "sch",
  "prioritizedReferences": [
      "priority": 2,
      "publication": "Publication 1 about drug # 2"
      "priority": 2,
      "publication": "Publication 2 about drug # 2"
      "priority": 2,
      "publication": "Publication 3 about drug # 2"

That concludes this tutorial. For more in depth information about building query specifications, see the query specifications documentation.